Base Linework
The street of the future is one that is multi-level.
Sydney’s Circular Quay is often referred to as the ‘gateway to Sydney’. Historically, it was an important hub for shipping and, over time, has acted as a focal point for many horse-drawn and electric tram services that weaved throughout Sydney. Today, Circular Quay has evolved to become a major hub for all modes of transport.
Sydney’s Circular Quay Railway Station provides the catalyst for an exploration into the future of street design and transport hubs. The existing infrastructure and amenity of the railway station’s adjoining streets, Alfred Street, and the Cahill Expressway is poor and disjointed. LEVELS envisages the future of Circular Quay as a hub for transport. It proposes Alfred Street be multi-level to provide access to different modes of transport and the Cahill Expressway. These levels provide access to nearby buildings as well as provide commercial opportunities. To facilitate efficient movement of people between levels, circular lifts operate in a similar fashion to Ferris Wheels, providing access to these levels.
In an already developed context where space is at a premium, LEVELS showcases how levelled public transport, pedestrian, cycling, and commercial opportunities is the future of street design.

Final Concept: Base model by Leo Kim, Linework by Andrew Huynh, and Final Render by Sara Curukovska.
Finalists for 'Street of Tomorrow' - Nonarchitecture